Custom Easter Baskets

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The eggs are dyed, the pastel smocks are ironed, and the chocolate eggs are disappearing by the minute—Easter’s finally here. Waking up on that Sunday morning to find baskets full of Easter joy is a memory many Southern Children hold dear just as hastily emptying that bountiful basket for the church or family egg hunt is. It’s a good-natured game, with candy and eggs acting as bartering pawns between pastel-draped, bow-topped children later, switching jelly beans for peanut butter cups. We celebrate this day of Resurrection with quality family time and delicious southern food hoping all goes smoothly. You can make sure Easter day doesn’t dissolve into panic and tears before the cake has been sliced by getting personalized Easter baskets that not only fit your loved ones’ style and personality, but also ensure no basket switch-ups occur at the egg hunts. (There’s nothing more heartbreaking than our little ones losing their hard-won candy from a case of mistaken basket identity.) These egg-cellent basket ideas give pretty pastel and patterned options, young and mature styles for all ages, and classically Southern monograms and embroidery. From soothing neutral burlaps to bright hand-painted wickers, these personalized Easter baskets will make this Easter a memorable one!